Saluton, Mondo!
Am I Shaun? Nope, I’m Sean! I graduated from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in 2024 with a B.Eng in Computer Science and Design. I have a keen interest in developing robust digital frameworks and enjoy designing backend services and middleware. I am also well-versed in the applications of artificial intelligence, including natural language processing and computer vision.
Unoxian Werewolf: Dev Log 1
Inspired by the One Night Ultimate Series by Ted Alspach and Akihisa Okui, I decided to create a Telegram bot that emulates the game’s mechanics, allowing users to play the game using their phones. The game is a social deduction game, where players are assigned roles with different abilities, and have to deduce the identities of other players to win.
Knight Probability in Chessboard
Given an $n \times n$ chessboard, a knight on square $(r, c)$ attempts to make $k$ moves. Each move, the knight chooses one of 8 possible moves uniformly at random (even if the piece would go off the chessboard) and moves there. The knight continues moving until it has made exactly $k$ moves or has moved off the chessboard. Return the probability that the knight remains on the board after it has stopped moving.
Creating a REST API with Rails
Held from 4 July to 23 July 2023, the backend development mini challenge hosted by the Center for Strategic Infocomm Technologies (CSIT) was a great opportunity to learn more about the Ruby on Rails framework. The challenge was to create a REST API to read from a Mongo Atlas database and return JSON responses at two specified endpoints. As the choice of programming language was left to the participants, I decided to use Ruby on Rails to familiarise myself with programming in Ruby. The API was to be containerised using Docker for validation and deployment.
Bopped It!
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The Case for Alternative Meats
A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. Yet, many would claim that mock meats should not be named as such, calling it a case of false advertisement. From tofurkey to sashimi alternatives, and even plant-based faux meat patties, should these products not be recognised as “meats” and why should such an issue raise such opposition in the first place?
Read more: Medium